Estimation and inference for spatial models with heterogeneous coefficients in MATLAB, Python, R, and Stata

Aquaro et al. (2021) consider a heterogeneous version of the standard spatial autoregressive (SAR) panel data model whereby all coefficients, including the spatial lag coefficient, are allowed to differ over the cross-section units. They refer to …

Imposing monotonicity in stochastic frontier models: an iterative nonlinear least squares procedure

Despite its importance, the monotonicity condition is typically overlooked in stochastic frontier analysis. This article illustrates a straightforward and useful method for the estimation of semiparametric stochastic frontier models imposing such …

When technological advance meets physician learning in drug prescribing

The support for scientific investigation in biomedicine depends in part on the adoption of new knowledge into medical practice. We investigate how a technological advance, in the form of a large and influential 2010 randomized controlled study, …