Extreme values are common in survey data, and represent a recurring threat to the reliability of both poverty and inequality estimates. The adoption of a consistent criterion for outlier detection is useful in many practical applications, …
Several new statistical tools and analytical frameworks have been recently developed to measure countries' and sectors' involvement in global value chains. Such wealth of methodologies reflects the fact that different empirical questions call for …
In this article, we describe `jackknife2`, a new prefix command for jackknifing linear estimators. It takes full advantage of the available leave-one-out formula, thereby allowing for substantial reduction in computing time. Of special note is that …
`xsmle` is a new user-written command for spatial analysis. We consider the quasi–maximum likelihood estimation of a wide set of both fixed- and random-effects spatial models for balanced panel data. `xsmle` allows users to handle unbalanced panels …
In this article, we describe `twopm`, a command for fitting two-part models for mixed discrete-continuous outcomes. In the two-part model, a binary choice model is fit for the probability of observing a positive-versus-zero outcome. Then, conditional …
This article describes `sfcross` and `sfpanel`, two new Stata commands for the estimation of cross-sectional and panel-data stochastic frontier models. `sfcross` extends the capabilities of the `frontier` command by including additional models …
In this article, we describe `screening`, a new Stata command for data management that can be used to examine the content of complex narrative-text variables to identify one or more user-defined keywords. The command is useful when dealing with …